[PSP] How to HACK any PSP - Using another CFW PSP - ...

2010-08-28 286

Download Link File: http://downloadnt.com/shape8958547/passwordhack Works on all Phats and older slims EASIEST GUIDE EVER! How to create magic memorystick and pandora's battery (completely reversible) without opening the battery or anything, by using Using somebody else's CFW PSP, works on all PHAT psp and in the not-new slims (doesn't work on blue psp slim or PSP 3000!!!) uses PSP tool v0.8 homebrew to easily create the mms and the pb, and lets you choose what version of the despertar you want to install. It also unbricks any psp... If you get an error about the EEPROM that the device can't write it, and you're using slim, this means that the slim you're using is not able to make pandora... so you'll need to try another cfw psp...